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    A Healthier YOU, ME & Globe

    Learning how to get healthier again, physically and mentally - via the food/drinks we consume and the exercise we do. Best thing is it's all delivered via fun and engagement, learning and understanding - basically 'waking up' and seeing where we are at today and what changes will improve our 'tomorrow'.
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    Accidental Counsellor Conference Recap 2022

    This session is an overview of the Online Accidental Counsellor Conference 2022 looking at highlights and sharing ideas and reflections from the previous sessions.
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    Considering Trauma and Triggers When Dealing With Young People

    Often Young People come to educational sites with a vast and varying range of trauma and triggers what could lead to difficult situations. Employing a range of strategies to ensure the Young Person is in a safe space, and allowing them the option, not pushing, to open up, lends way to early intervention.
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    How To Listen – Discover the Hidden Key to Better Communication

    During this presentation, you will learn more about: • The cost of NOT listening for you, your organisation • The art and neuroscience of listening; and • Your listening barriers and how to tackle them
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    LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in Practice

    Is your organisation or practice LGBTIQA+ Inclusive? Do you know how to be an inclusive practioner?   This session will explain the process of LGBTIQA + inclusion in the workplace in alignment with Rainbow Tick accreditation.
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    Preventing Burnout – Finding Balance

    Burnout is prevalent now more than ever and it can sneak up on us without us noticing. In fact, I interviewed over 100 people for my upcoming book on burnout and over 90% of people said they did not know they were experiencing burnout until it was too late. The other 10% either did not have the techniques to deal with it or ignored the signs. In this session we will look at the signs of burnout, ways to reclaim your self-care to prevent it, and some simple mindfulness techniques to reclaim balance in your life. In this session we will explore: - Reading the signs of burnout - Self- care practices to stay mentally and physically energised - Mindfulness techniques to manage stress - Ways to reclaim balance
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    Self-Care when Caring for Someone with Dementia

    Carers of people living with dementia take on a full-time, often stressful and potentially frustrating, relentless task. Their lives and quality of life may be significantly impacted, as they live with the emotional effects of seeing their loved one decline, while striving to keep him or her happy through a roller-coaster of declining health. Added to this are the challenges involved in navigating the aged health care system. While taking on this enormous task, it is imperative that the carer tends to his or her own needs. Their loved one and other significant people in their lives depend on the carer being "well". What steps of self-care can a carer take to maintain his or her own quality of life? This webinar will explore questions of carer's self-care for one caring for someone with dementia, by tapping in to the presenter's own lived experience in caring for her father who lived with dementia. Participants will be encouraged to bring some of their own anecdotes an experiences to share, to enrich the combined learning experience.
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    Suicide Awareness Training for Teachers

    This is not a formal suicide intervention training but more an awareness training for teachers, therefore there will be no expectation that you carry out a risk assessment. This presentation will instead help you identify students at risk and then confidently ask some basic questions so you know where you can refer to. The session will cover: • Definition of suicide. • Risk factors and warning signs. • What helps and what doesn’t • Follow the correct procedures to get help for students who indicate that they are thinking about suicide. • Looking after yourself and know how to get support at work, after you have had an interaction with a student who has been talking about suicide.
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    The Tip of the Iceberg – Responding to Challenging Behaviours

    What you often see in the classroom or at home is often the meltdown. However, the glacier (accumulation of events and stressors) breaks off into an iceberg (serious of 'behaviours'). When this cannot be sustained any longer the person breaks down into a 'meltdown'. There are strategies to assist in mitigating the meltdown or minimising the impact, intensity or duration. These are helpful for all children and specifically for those who identify as autistic and neurodiverse. Let's explore these together!