Staying Focused and Managing Overwhelm

Trying to wear too many hats at work and continually switching your attention from task to task can be stressful and tiring. When you lose focus on your task at hand it causes stress, overwhelm, anxiety and can eventually lead to burnout. This session is a great opportunity to step back and look at the way you are working and make some positive changes to maximise your workflow and focus on a daily basis. We look at ways to stay focused on important. We explore the cost of context switching (multitasking) and the shocking truth of lost time and energy. We also explore different brain states to optimise your performance throughout the day depending on the task at hand and how to block out your time in three distinct work-modes. Key takeaways include:
  • The cost of context switching in terms of lost productivity
  • Myth of multitasking
  • Staying focused on what matters
  • Different brain states for optimal performance and productivity
  • Managing your time and energy more effectively
  • Managing a team with clarity and focus
  • How to work proactively, not reactively
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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course Certificate